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Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)

We are specialists in aeromedical evaluation, our aircraft, They are an Intensive Care Unit in the air.

Charter services

Flights to anywhere in the country; We can cover the different needs of the market due to our variety of fleets and the high qualification of our personnel, we have cutting-edge technology and a satellite system that allows real-time tracking of flights throughout the national territory.

Special Works

Our fleet can be adapted to an efective tool for various utility flight funtions to diferent mission requirements offering the most versatile helos in the industry, supported by the higuest training standard of our crew members and employees

Aeronautical Instruction Center

COMMERCIAL PILOT With work focus on airlines Certification in Colombia and USA Validation of foreign licenses

Maintenance program

Inspections Plan

  • Preflight
  • Post Flight
  • Monthly
  • Weekly

Scheduled Inspections

  • Helicopter Time Inspections
  • Engine Hour Inspections
  • Compliance with Airworthiness Directives / Service Bulletins
  • Special Inspections
  • Conditional Inspections

Our clients

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